How I Battled And Defeated Premature Ejaculation (A True Life Story)

" Premature ejaculation has probably affected most men at some points in their lives and it is normally experienced among one out of five men, which can lower the self-esteem of a man as well as lure ones Wife/Girlfriend into infidelity. "

I want to share with you my own story, believing it will help you as well.

I am 31 years old, married to a beautiful woman. I have been battling premature ejaculation since I first had sex at age 17. It was one of the main causes of my seven-year relationship breaking up, and has left me feeling insecure about most of my relationships with women before I got married.

I have tried everything from medication to seeing sex therapists and changing my diet. Nothing seems to work.

Sex is a huge part of a relationship and is one of the main ways to express your love, but I have faced nothing but frustration in this aspect of my relationship with women.

However, there are numerous beliefs about premature ejaculation that are neither true nor backed up by scientific evidence. Some believe that psychological factors such as anxiety, guilt, or depression are the main causes of premature ejaculation while others believe that it may be related to medical causes such as hormonal problems, injury, or side effect of certain medicines.

In case you don’t know, no lady in her right senses loves to date or marry a man who ejaculates sooner than later during sexual intercourse than his partner would like. So don’t be swayed that your spouse enjoys the 1-minutes sex you are giving her. 

Still on my story,

So many times I would pretend to be working on my PC at night so that she would have slept before entering the room and often times, immediately I climbed the bed, I would just find a soothing hand around my nipple, which is my weak point. I would always get scared ‘another embarrassment again’.

I tried so hard to put in my best for a long lasting sex but my milk spills as soon as I start. Sometimes I might even cum during foreplay (very watery). It was a daily night mare that I could not even concentrate at work anymore.

It got worse that my self-esteem began to dwindle, as my chances of making love to my partner was next to nil hence she got tired of me. She was never disturbing me for sex anymore, I was happy because the embarrassment stopped.

Each passing night, I tried to sleep. I suffered this for almost two years into the marriage; I tried several things ranging from medical advice to herbs. I was taking a mixture (jedi) almost every day, took Viagra and they were not still going to solve the problems. I asked God several times: why me?

The unexpected happened when I was looking for a document in our second room and I found a dildo in the wardrobe, Alas! She had been using a sex toy. I felt so bad that I could not even ask her because she too never complained, little wonder she was not disturbing me for sex any longer. I started doing research on my own.

Eventually, I came across this post by Dr. Solomon Chuks and that was a game changer for me.

The fifth day after I took the medications he recommended, I tried sleeping with my wife and behold the sex was massive I lasted between 19 to 28 good minutes(can't really get it exact).

I saw the shocking expression on my wife's face. I am sure she was wondering if I was truly the man she used to know. She was so happy with me now especially for my bigger John Thomas.

I swear she has been receiving a great deal of lashes almost every day since then. Nobody told her before she made away with the Dildo, I could not just see it anymore where it used to be.

I know this will teach and encourage someone.

Learn how to last long on bed here if you're truly tired of that condition.

Do that and thank me later.

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